Wednesday, 25 November 2015

Refugee rant for the contrary

You said we shouldn’t help the refugees because they were dangerous. Then statistically you were shown that refugees are not dangerous.

Then you said their neighbours should take them in. Their neighbours, poor countries all, have taken in millions of refugees.

Then you said, no not those countries, the rich ones, the gulf states. You mean the ones run by constitutional monarchies that are home to some of the world’s worst human rights violations. How exactly is that helping?

Then you said we needed to help our vets and our homeless. They said stop using them as an excuse to not help.

Then you went back to it not being safe and more screening was required. We needed more time for screening. We can’t rush things. There’s still just as much screening as there was three of your arguments ago.

Then to address concerns about safety, refugees were cut to women, children and families, at which point you screeched sexism and discrimination against men that you previously called terrorists.

Today the government announced that they need more time to bring in the refugees and now you’re bitching about the government breaking promises.

If it’s because the deadline will be missed, that’s great! Clearly you’ve had a change of heart and you now want these refugees to become a part of Canada. Bravo! That’s the spirit. Let’s do all we can to help!

If it’s because you’re just contrary and you still want to do nothing but fill up comment boards with your vitriol, your whining, and your ever changing list of arguments against refugees, put your time and/or money where your virtual mouth is and spend some time helping veterans and homeless people. You know, the ones you were staunchly defending earlier.

If you got your back up over sexism, you can donate to help all refugees, including single men, here.

And if it’s because you don’t want to help anybody here, you don’t want to help anybody coming here, and you don’t want to help anybody overseas, do our country a favour and shut up. We are a vast cold country and the only reason we, as a country and a society, have flourished is because we help one another. If you don’t get that, you don’t deserve the time of day, let alone an internet soapbox.

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